Linda Foster will also present a series of "Tips for Beginning Birders" to get those who are new to the field on the right track to learning more.
Bring your recent sightings and bird questions along too!
Watch for more news: March may bring an opportunity to hear the woodcocks displaying at dusk!
Looking Ahead:
April 28th: Matt Fain presents "Why Downy Woodpeckers and Hairy Woodpeckers look so much alike" (rescheduled) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
*Past April, we will probably want to use our meeting time to go birding together!
*Start thinking about any field trips or special opportunities you would like to put together for spring.
- Tyler Funk mentioned going to see the plovers migrating in northern Coles County in April.
- Matt Fain & Linda Foster are interested in a trip to Prairie Ridge to see the Prairie Chickens displaying.