What To Expect:
- Start INSIDE the visitor center to enjoy all the handmade cardboard gingerbread houses from our competition and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa before heading out onto the trails!
- Please check our website and Facebook page for up to date information about weather cancellation.
- Free Will Donation: Donate what works for your family's budget, whether it is $5, $10, or $20. We rely on donations to support our education and conservation efforts across all three of our properties.
- The trail is only .25 miles and loops from the visitor center through the outdoor classroom and around pine tree trail. The trail ends near the parking lot.
- There are 25+ stations, great for taking family photos and selfies. At least 2 NEW stations are added every year including Bluey for 2025!
- Please respect families in front of you and wait for them to finish at a station before moving forward.
- Staff and volunteers will be on-site every night to answer any questions you may have.
- Be sure to tag us on social media: @douglashartnc