Our speaker this month is Dr. Mike Ward professor and ornithologist with the University of Illinois and Illinois Natural History Survey, presenting "The loss of Whip-poor-wills: How do we save this declining bird?" Dr. Ward will be discussing his lab's research into the widespread decline of the Easter Whip-poor-will.
This should be an excellent speaker and topic! I hope to see many of you on Monday!
Dr. Mike Ward is originally from Jacksonville, IL and received his PhD from the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2004. He is currently a professor in the Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Sciences, in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and
Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois and an Ornithologist at the Illinois Natural
History Survey. He and his students are working on a variety of projects throughout the Midwest
but also in Texas, Mexico, Colombia, and Cuba. In summary, Dr. Ward studies the ecology and
behavior of birds in natural and modified ecosystems in order to inform conservation and
Questions? Email [email protected] or call the nature center at 217-235-4644