"As you may know I am the author of Bird Hunting Tales and Tips, a hardbound collection of 33 original short stories about bird hunting, love of dogs and family values. An EIU graduate, class of 1974, and a Taylorville area landowner, I have been fortunate to have had 56 of my short stories published by international magazines such as Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever and Quail Unlimited and others. As a self publisher and self-marketer, I rely on word of mouth referrals, book signings and personal appearances at fundraising banquets etc. for sales."
Friends of the Library Author Fair
Sunday, November 6th
Charleston Carnegie Library - Rotary Rooms
Join us for a Friends-sponsored Author Fair will be open to the general public in the Rotary Room. Twenty Local Authors will be here to answer questions about their work and offer books for sale!
Authors: Bobbie Jean Ashley, Debbie Bauer, Randy Ervin, Georgia Florey-Evans, Joe Gisondi, JT Hartke, Lynn Kendrick, Karen Lofgren, Chuck Martin, Rebecca Shambart, Richard Stickann, Barbara Tackitt,
Doris Wenzel, Cullen Porter, Valerie Huffman, Pauline Peterson, Steve Shoemaker, Terry Denny, Sheri Poe-Pape, and Naomi Forward.