Presentation Title: What Birds Can Tell Us: Conservation Successes and Insights into Remarkable Bird Behaviors
Dr. Hoover’s presentation will provide an overview of research he has done during 3 decades, and how that research has expanded our understanding of bird conservation, behavioral ecology, host-parasite interactions, natural history, and habitat management designed to benefit bird populations.
Dr. Hoover received his B.S. in Wildlife Management from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. He received a M.S. from the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) where he studied the effects of forest fragmentation on the nesting success of forest birds – specifically Wood Thrush and Ovenbirds. Jeff received a PhD under the direction of Scott Robinson from the University of Illinois where he studied factors affecting lifetime reproductive success in Prothonotary Warblers. He currently holds the position of Avian Ecologist at the Illinois Natural History Survey of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois.
Dr. Hoover has been studying the ecology, behavior and conservation of birds for 3 decades, focusing primarily on bird communities in upland and bottomland forests. He conducts a blend of basic and applied research, with an emphasis on studying behavioral ecology in birds and the response of bird communities to restoration/conservation efforts. Some specific areas of interest include brood parasite/host interactions, natal dispersal, and decision rules associated with breeding dispersal in adult birds.