Redbud is a beautiful understory tree throughout the year--always has stunning color, but was chosen for fall interest because it turns a gorgeous, vibrant yellow.
Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
What did the Redbud tree say to his friend?
"Hey bud!"
"Hey bud!"
Did you know?
- Native Americans made tea from the bark to help with fevers
- This tree was a folk remedy for leukemia
Common Names:
- Redbud
- Eastern Redbud
Wildlife Benefits:
- Birds eat the seeds
- White-tailed deer feed on the leaves
- Honeybees will visit the blossoms as a nectar source
- Woodlands
- 20-30' tall, with a crown width of 25-35'
Growing Conditions:
- Partial shade
- Moist, well-drained soil
Select Identification Characteristics:
- Leaf Type: Simple
- Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
- Bud Arrangement: Alternate
- Terminal Bud: Absent