Red Mulberry is a pretty tree year around, but is most admired during the fall months, because of the gorgeous yellow color that the leaves turn.
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)
What did the tree do before making a decision?
- It mulled over the choices!
Did you know?
- Orange, red, purple, black, and blue pigments isolated from the fruit of Red Mulberry trees are used as coloring agents in the industry of food and fabrics
- The wood is used to make fence posts and barrels
- The berries are used to make jams, jellies, and other tasty treats
Common Names:
- Red Mulberry
Wildlife Benefits:
- The fruit is eaten by squirrels, birds, raccoons, fox, opossums, turtles, and deer
- Woodlands
- 40-70' tall, with a crown width of 40-50'
Growing Conditions:
- Full sun to partial shade
- Moist, well-drained soil
Select Identification Characteristics:
- Leaf Type: Simple
- Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
- Bud Arrangement: Alternate
- Terminal Bud: Single
- *Bark: There are long narrow marks, revealing the reddish color underneath