Red Buckeye Buckeye is a pretty tree throughout the year, but is mostly admired in the spring because of the brilliant red blooms that are produced in the spring.
Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia)
Why did the tree need to take a nap?
- For rest!
Did you know?
- Native Americans would sprinkle powdered seeds and throw broken branches into waters to stun fish
- Pioneers used the bark to make home remedies for ulcers and tumors
- The wood can be used to make black dye
- The roots can be used to make soap
- Red Buckeye leaves out early and looses its leaves early
Common Names:
- Red Buckeye
- Scarlet Buckeye
Wildlife Benefits:
- Squirrels eat the nuts
- Hummingbirds and bees are attracted to the flowers
- Woodlands
- 15-35' tall, with a crown width of 15-25'
Growing Conditions:
- Full sun to partial shade
- Moist, well-drained soil
Select Identification Characteristics:
- Leaf Type: Palmately Compound
- Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
- Bud Arrangement: Opposite
- Terminal Bud: Single