Facebook: South Central Illinois Birders Club
"Created to provide an outlet for birders in or near Coles County, Illinois. Please feel free to post your recent sightings, or share your thoughts on bird watching." |
A website that allows you to keep track of all your sightings. Each day you go out birding you can enter the information into this site. Keeps a Life List, county list, and location lists that you can use for whatever tracking purpose you wish. You can also look at Hot Spots to see what birds are being seen in a particular area at any given time. ibet (Illinois Birders Exchanging Thoughts)https://groups.google.com/g/ilbirds?pli=1
An email service that you can receive and send posts of unusual or seasonal sightings. This is a good resource for those people that like to receive information about unusual sightings in order to "chase" the bird. |