Gray Dogwood is a shrub that adds lots of beauty to a landscape during all seasons, but is mostly enjoyed in the spring months because of the spectacular white flowers that are produced.
Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa)
How to you correctly identify a dogwood?
By its bark!
Did you know?
How to you correctly identify a dogwood?
By its bark!
Did you know?
- In the past, the branches were used to make toothbrushes
- During the Victorian Era, men showed affection to women by giving gray dogwood blossoms—acceptance of the flower was a sign that the woman was interested
Common Names:
- Gray Dogwood
- Northern Swamp Dogwood
- Panicled Dogwood
- White-tailed deer feed on the leaves
- Squirrels and over 100 bird species eat the fruit
- This shrub provides cover and nesting sites for a variety of wildlife
- Woodlands
- 3-15’ tall, with a crown width of 10-15’
- Full sun to partial shade
- Compatible with most soils
- Leaf Type: Simple
- Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
- Bud Arrangement: Opposite
- Terminal Bud: Single