Cardboard Gingerbread House
Competition Rules |
Before submitting your intent to participate, please read over the competition rules and guidelines:
Participation Form |
Please submit an Intent to Participate form by Monday, December 9, 12pm. CLICK HERE to submit your intent to participate registration.
Drop-OffVoting |
Please drop off your submissions December 6-12. The visitor center is open M-F 8am-4pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm.
Projects will be displayed inside the visitor center during our Winter Wonderland Walk on December 12-14, 5-7pm. Guests attending the event will vote for best in each category, as well as Most Creative Use of Materials. Winners for each category will be announced by Tuesday, December 18 via email and Facebook. Winners can pick up their prizes at the nature center, and all participants will receive a thank you as well.
Pick-Up |
If you opted to have your cardboard gingerbread house returned to you, please pick it up by Friday, December 20, or it will be recycled to the best of our ability. Thank you.