New Development at Friendship Garden
2015: The Douglas-Hart Nature Center acquired the adjacent lot to Friendship Garden.
Spring 2015: Crews demolish the vacant house on the lot. Spring 2016: Staff clear any remaining materials from the house and foundation with a scraper. Spring 2016: Staff meet to brainstorm ideas for the new acquired lot. Summer 2016: Staff meet with professional landscapers and garden centers to finalize plans for the lot. September 2016: Work is slated to begin on our expansion. The lot will be a continued expression of Helen's tea garden. The wishing well will be restored along with new water features and sitting areas. |
October 2016: Brick work completed to compliment existing brick in older section as well as flagstone paths.
October 2016: Terraced beds were added.
October 2016: Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants were added to garden beds
October 2016: Handcrafted wooden gazebo erected in the new expansion lot.
November 2016: Addition ready for enjoyment.