Basswood is a neat tree throughout all four seasons, but is admired most in the fall, because of the vibrant yellow-gold color.
Basswood (Tilia americana)
What's a trees favorite dating app?
- Timber!
Did you know?
- The wood is used to make carvings, lumber, electric guitar bodies, veneer, plywood, toys, puppet making, and furniture
- The flowers are used to make different kinds of delicious tea
- Lots of home remedies can be made from Basswood parts, including, colds, high blood pressure, ulcers, and inflammation
- The Basswood (genus Tilia) has over 30 different variations and hybrids!
- The tree produces excellent pollen; which bees turn into some of the best types of honey in the world
Common Names:
- Basswood
- American Basswood
- American Linden
Wildlife Benefits:
- The fruit is eaten by small mammals and birds
- The buds are eaten by birds and deer
- The nectar and pollen attract lots of bees
- Deer feed on the leaves and twigs
- Woodlands
- 75-130' tall, with a crown width of 30-50'
Growing Conditions:
- Full sun to partial shade
- Moist, well-drained soil
Select Identification Characteristics:
- Leaf Type: Simple
- Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
- Bud Arrangement: Alternate
- Terminal Bud: Single